3-day military diet: Day 1

My time in London is about being alone, diet, exercise, thinking (the right way), and wellbeing. One of my goals is to lose some of the weight I’ve gained over the past 2 years.

A while ago, I was researching diets and came across the 3-day military diet. Apparently, it’s all the rage on Pinterest and other social media sites. The idea is that this calorie-restrictive diet allows you to lose weight quickly while continuing to eat a balance of your favorite foods like ice cream. There is a set meal plan for the first 3 days, and during the following 4 days, you eat anything but stick to 1500 calories per day.

On the diet front, I completed day 1 of the military diet yesterday. I lost 2.7 pounds on day 1! A lot of that is water, I’m sure, but potentially not all of it.

The ingredients for the 3-day plan came up to about $20 at Waitrose. Not bad! My NYC shops are easily over $100 for like zero days of food and then end up rotting in my fridge. Boo.Shopping at Waitrose


Toast (ideally whole wheat) with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (I opted for crunchy)
Half a grapefruit
Coffee or tea (I opted for iced coffee from my favorite London spot – Gail’s!)

Military Diet - Day 1 Breakfast

I had trouble finishing it. I wasn’t that hungry. The bread and peanut butter were sufficient.


1/2 can of tuna (I substituted grilled chicken because I find canned tuna foul)
Slice of bread (preferably whole wheat)
Tea or coffee (I opted for tea because I could make it at home, and I was crazy tired from getting into London at 3am and not sleeping much)

Military Diet - Day 1 LunchI wasn’t hungry, but I definitely felt like snacking. It made me realize how much mindless eating I do. If not for the meal plan, the spoon would have been in the jar of peanut butter. Yes, because I’m too lazy to go outside.


3 ounces of meat (size of a deck of cards – I opted for grilled chicken)
Green beans (mine was a medley of dill, green beans, and spinach)
Half banana
Small apple
Scoop of vanilla ice cream (I substituted blueberry yogurt – no freezer here and also, I just can’t justify having ice cream as part of a diet)

Military Diet - Day 1 Dinner

Also here, I wasn’t super hungry. The chicken and green beans would have been sufficient. I ate pretty late because I was at Kundalini until 8pm.


30 minutes of chilled out running / jogging
75 minutes of Kundalini


Went to sleep at 11am and woke up at 5am. 6 hours is pretty good for me!

Weight Loss Results

I was 126.1 pounds yesterday, and today I am 123.4! That’s 2.7 pounds.

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