Oddly, not really.
Things I don’t miss:
- Meat
- Perma-confusion and mania
- Drunkenness
- Dissatisfaction
- Not knowing where I’m going to be tomorrow
- Stress
- Wasting copious amounts of money on booze, restaurants, clothes, and other consumption items
Some things I might miss:
- Feeling young (I started feeling old when I got to LA. I think I changed.)
- Being around people with jobs
- Direction (forced or otherwise)
- Having one person close to me I can talk to and be myself with all the time
- Bagel shops
- Being able to go downstairs and get everything I want within a 1-2-block radius
- Not driving
- Walking
- Running and not having a completely busted left knee
- Roots – a reason to be where I am
- Feeling like I’m contributing something to the world and not feeling like a bummy loser (only the case some of the time)
- Going to the deli around the corner (around ANY corner) and being able to get an egg and cheese sandwich (I’m so hungry right now)