Until LA, I have rarely had bad dates. By bad dates, I don’t mean bad people. I mean nice people. But just that feeling of wow, I really need to escape so I can be back at home staring at the wall blankly for hours again because that would be so much more enjoyable. Sometimes, it takes a long time to not feel drained and then to recover from being drained.
I was actually excited to meet date #1. He is a cinematographer with some kind of military honor. We met at a wine bar within walking distance of both of our apartments. He was exactly as late as it took him to walk to the bar. I hate lateness. It was 8pm. I was starving. He had been in LA for 10 years, never killed anyone, went to art school in Israel, and now was a cinematographer verging on producer who taught classes at the American Film Institute. We drank 2 drinks and went to another bar called “Good Luck Bar.” I politely bid him adieu after that. I’m pretty good at the 1:1 conversation for the most part, especially with men. I carried it as far as I could. Then I went home and ate the remaining 5 slices of whole wheat bread at home and passed out. Continue reading 2 dates, 2 Israelis, 1 bar, 1 Korean